People frequently ask me "Why a pelican?" Allen and I were in Mexico a few years ago and stayed in Sayulita a small town north of Puerto Vallarta. There were a lot of pelicans and I was intriqued by how despite their gawky appearance on land had beautiful and effortless flight. They followed the break of the waves and seemed to be able to travel long distances without flapping their wings. The tips of their wings appeared to be inches from the waves.
I decided when I was in motion I wanted to appear effortless and use the terrain to my advantage. A friend rather than an opponent. So whether skiing or biking I remind myself of the pelicans effortless flight and it feels easier both physically and mentally. Thus the pelican in flight is my mascot.
I'm not so sure I'm going to be into blogging. It seems like just another chore. Allen told me that if anything it's a good way to record my trip into the French and Italian Alps climbing the hills on Pelicanus (the name of my bike).